3005Pr Usb3.0Port Replicator Driver Windows 8.1
3005Pr Usb3.0Port Replicator Driver Windows 8.1 https://tlniurl.com/2tDXK3
You can start downloading the HP 3005pr USB 3.0 Port Replicator Driver for HP 255 G2 series laptop.To start download file, click green download button on page below. We advise you to use a variety of download managers like FlashGet or Download Master.Also, you can go back to the list of drivers and choose a different driver for HP 255 G2 series Laptop.
Justin, thanks for the reply. Yes, updating that driver did work for some. You indicated that you had installed the latest BIOS. I also see a recent update on the software site for the replicator--one for USB 3.0 which seems to have had some compatibility issues per the post and the other is the HP Universal Port Replicator Driver. In case this wasn't one of the links listed in the post above, click here Opens a new window.
I installed all the latest drivers for the laptop and that didn't work. Will the HP Universal Port Replicator Driver work with the 2005pr port replicator I thought I tried that in the past with no luck but I will try it again in this case.
To make it more confusing, the HP2005pr (USB 2.0 version) is based on SMSC hardware, whereas the HP3005pr (USB 3.0 version) is based on DisplayLink. This means you cannot mix and match these 2 docks on the same computer, as you cannot have both drivers installed.
I know that this thread is old, but I was having some serious problems getting the 2005pr Port replicator to install on an HP Probook 640 after a new hard drive and fresh retail Windows 7 Pro x64 install. Same problem as above, no Video and HP drivers were telling me the 36xx and 46xx display adapters were not supported.
I installed the XP x64 Version DRIVER, NOT THE LISTED VISTA/XP DRIVER, and I did so by \"updating driver software\" through Device manager, instead of using the exe in the package. This has worked and full functionality of the port replicator, including video, has been restored. 781b155fdc